I’m Back (Why I’ve Been Away)

September 5, 2024

After a very unintentional break, this is the first new podcast episode I’ve released in four months. And I want to give some insight into why.

Firstly, I want to let you know that we are back with weekly episodes moving forward, and I’m very excited about it! I love the podcast so much. There is a very healing quality to it for me personally, just being able to speak things out loud. And here, I’ll update you on some massive life-changing transitions and beautiful manifestations coming to fruition in my life. 

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • Why I’ve been away from the podcast for four months
  • Navigating major life changes
  • Liminal space
  • Being overwhelmed by choice
  • Manifestation
  • Navigating uncertainty
  • The difference between anxiety and excitement
  • Being open to receiving
  • Building self trust
  • Getting over playing small

And thanks to some of the beautiful humans who have reached out and asked about the podcast and shared with me how much it touches your heart, and that you’ve been missing it. I always appreciate your kind words via email info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM on Instagram @emilygoughcoach 



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Episode 304. The Sacred Liminal Space: Between the Familiar & Completely Unknown



Hey, hey, welcome back to the room to grow podcast. Emily here, and it has been a minute. I have not released a new episode in the last four months. I believe. Um, this is a very unintentional break. This, this is not something, this is not a pre planned thing. I did not sit down and come up with this plan or anything like this.

It, it started as missing a couple of weeks and then it turned into a longer stretch. And I want to give some insight into why. Also to let you know that we are back, we’re back with weekly episodes moving forward, and I’m very excited about it. Um, I also want to thank some of the beautiful humans who have reached out and asked about the podcast and just shared with me how much it touches your heart and that you’ve been missing it.

I cannot explain to you what that means to me truly, just from the depths of my soul that just speaks, speaks life into me. And it just brings me so much joy to hear that this podcast brightens your day in some small way. Or. Helps you feel a little bit less alone on a hard day, or just some of the beautiful things that people have shared.

It just means the absolute world to me. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you for tuning in. Thank you for gifting me with your time. It is just such a high honor. that I hold an immense amount of responsibility around. Um, I always want to make sure that you feel that you are leaving this podcast with value and that it is time well spent together.

Um, you know, kind of feels like, you know, we’re just kicking it here together on the couch, like BFFs. And I’m so glad that that translates. So thank you for being here from the bottom of my heart. Um, really, really excited to be bringing everything back. I have so many ideas that I have just been sitting on.

Waiting things have been percolating and it’s finally time to get back into the flow of creativity I’m, just really really excited and the other reason why I love the podcast so much that I feel It’s, it’s an area where I feel really in my power in a lot of ways. There is a very healing quality to it for me personally, um, just being able to speak things out loud.

And this is honestly also a big part of connection, like having humans around you that you can speak your truth to. I even had a mentor a few years ago who she actually suggested to me that I sometimes start recording myself voice notes. When I was having an emotional moment to help to regulate myself and there was there was a lot of power in that I’ve always found enormous amount of power in that.

So oh gosh, where do we begin? It’s I don’t know where to begin I have been navigating Um, just massive life changing transitions with so many huge and beautiful manifest manifestations coming to fruition in my life. And so it’s, it’s all really positive things that have been going on behind the scenes.

Um, there’ve been times where I’ve taken a step away briefly from this podcast for really hard things, um, that have not felt good. A lot of like so much of what has been going on has been amazing. It’s all been super positive overall and it has brought up some feelings along the way and it’s just I’ve been really overwhelmed at times with the speed at with which things have been Moving and shifting in my life and changing and just all of these massive, massive changes.

I, I essentially have kind of cocooned myself in a lot of ways, um, because of just being so overwhelmed and there has been so much growth in the past few months, like just so much. And just now I feel I’m finally able to take a moment to pause, breathe it all in and just kind of celebrate how far I’ve come.

And, and I’ll be honest with you. Um, There are so many beautiful things that are unfolding in my life. And one of the things that has really become clear for me is that we really need to detach from the way in which we thought something would happen. And look, I’m no manifestation expert and I don’t pretend to be, so take, take this with a grain of salt.

But I think that there’s really something to it. When it comes to manifestation of not only, you know, being, being, um, like knowing what you want, like moving towards the thing and taking even the smallest amount of action, even if it sometimes doesn’t seem directly related to the thing that you want and just taking that next step, taking that leap of faith in even the smallest ways, following the breadcrumbs sometimes.

is what can get you to where you’re going in ways that you would never even expect or anticipate. So that, I think, is a really, really big part of it, but we can get so attached to the way we thought it would look, the way we thought it would unfold, the, the path that we thought would get us to where we’re going, that then there can almost be this experience of grief sometimes that happens when it unfolds in a different way, even if we are getting exactly what we want.

And sometimes what we want might come with some other things that we didn’t know that we wanted. And then we look at that. We’re like, Oh, well, you know, like there’s beautiful aspects to this too. It’s, and I know that I’m being a little bit vague. I will be able to share more with you. Of what’s been going on behind the scenes in the next two to three months.

So stick with me because I will, I will be revealing more. I’m not trying to be super mysterious here. Um, there are just things that, uh, I will be able to talk about publicly soon. And I’m looking forward to that. Um, just at the moment, I, I have to hold a little bit more close to my heart. Um, but you know, change, even when it’s incredibly positive can still bring a great deal of stress because it’s uncertainty, right?

There’s, there’s so much uncertainty in change because we’re like, Oh shit, I’m used to knowing what’s next. You know, if we’re, we’re living in sort of the, the mundane, uh, aspects of our lives where it’s kind of like groundhog day, right? We’re living the same thing over and over and over again. And we can just spend months, years, even like railing for change.

We’re like, when is something going to change? And then things start changing sometimes, perhaps very quickly. And it’s like, Oh my God, my nervous system is trying to adjust to this. What is happening? It’s that, that sacred liminal space that I’ve talked about on the podcast before. I really recommend going back to listen to episode three Oh four.

You’ll have to go back a little ways to find it. It is called the sacred liminal space between the familiar and the completely unknown. It is one of my favorite podcast episodes on this episode, and I’ve actually had other people share with me that it is one of their favorite podcast episodes as well out of the.

400 on this episode that that is one that really shifted something for them internally. I really, really recommend it. And, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about with the liminal space, the liminal space is the in between. It’s, it’s the, the transitionary period, that sort of awkward, uncomfortable phase where you’re on the precipice of moving towards something new, but you haven’t quite arrived yet, or maybe you were already in the new, but you haven’t quite settled yet.

You’re you’re still kind of trying to recalibrate your entire system and being and being like holy shit My entire life looks different. Now what? Even just things like coming up with Uh, different routines and, and habits, and you can almost be given this blank slate and it’s like, okay, what do I, what are you going to do with it?

And even just that alone can be a little bit overwhelming. I’ve, I’ve actually spoken about that before, you know, years ago when my entire life was uprooted, uh, for a very different reason. And I, I had basically, I had no ties. I was like, okay, I get to choose my next move. And we can sometimes crave, like there are people who, and I have been one of those people who would like crave that kind of freedom.

But once I got it, it was a little bit overwhelming. It’s like, Oh fuck. There’s, there’s a lot to this. The, the amount of choice is actually almost overwhelming in some ways. And there was so many themes that have been coming up for me these past few months. And this is, this is just more of like a much more personal episode.

I just wanted to give you kind of like a little bit of an update and there will be more updates with, uh, more specifics coming, um, and things that will be woven through, you know, the, the next little while. And of course moving forward, because it’s, that’s the only way I know how to do things. Honestly, like it’s the other reason why I’ve T I ended up accidentally sort of taking a break with the podcast was that I’ve been moving through so much I’m used to, I’m used to sharing a lot on this podcast and, you know, very real, very personal deep stories, um, with specifics, you know, a lot of, a lot of specifics sometimes.

And because there are certain aspects that I, I haven’t really been able to talk about yet or not quite ready to talk about yet or anything like that. I almost felt really disingenuous coming on here to try to share what was going on for my life in my life without actually saying anything, which is why this episode is also making me a little bit uncomfortable, but it was time to bring the podcast back.

I’ve just been dying to bring it back. Just like feeling this, this overflow of ideas wanting to come out and not giving them a channel to be able to move through me felt like a disservice, not only to anyone who, you know, even the one person out there who might benefit from it, but a disservice to myself.

As well, um, and feeling really out of my own power because of that. And that’s, that’s been a big theme for me, like the whole idea of navigating uncertainty and, and that being one of, one of the biggest and most important things that I think that we are here to do in this world, because we can often attach to what we believe is certain.

I, I’ve done this many times over, right? It’s, it’s a very human thing to do. We, we want to, we want to know kind of like what’s next in some ways. And we also kind of don’t, but we sort of do like our nervous systems kind of do. Okay. Let’s not, let’s not catch us off guard per se. And, and I have just found that the older I get, the more I go through, the more I grow, uh, the more I change, the more my life changes around me.

I’m just really being faced with. The idea of nothing is for certain, because it’s really not. The only thing that’s certain is change and death, right? And when I look at life through that lens, can we come at it like, can I come at it from a more empowering perspective of genuinely being okay with that and almost excited?

Like shifting, it’s such a fine line between anxiety and excitement. And often the only real difference between it in terms of the way that our body responds is how we identify that feeling in our body. Like are we identifying it and creating a story around it being anxiety or are we identifying it as excitement?

Because it’s, they’re, they’re actually very similar reactions within the body. So can we come at it from a place of empowerment and can I actively choose today? I, you know, like this, this is scary, this is a lot. And. I’m kind of excited. Like can I get excited about not knowing what’s next and, and really see how that lands and like, you know, kind of sinking into the juiciness of that and the aliveness that comes with that.

I’m like, Ooh, I don’t know what’s next. Let’s fucking do this. What’s, what’s on the other side of this. I can’t wait to see what’s here. And of course there will be moments of anxiety. Absolutely. We’re, this podcast is fully welcoming of the full spectrum of human emotions. I fully believe that that is one of the other big things that we are here to do is to experience a larger range on the spectrum of emotions, because when we can allow ourselves to deepen into all of the experiences, whether it’s hard ones or really joyful ones, it allows us to experience even higher highs.

So yeah, it might mean that we experience lower lows if we allow the lower moments to really crack us open. We can also then experience higher highs. And part of this work is also opening to receive. It’s been one of my big lessons lately, like opening to receive. I’ve talked about that a lot in this podcast and I continue to be presented with this lesson.

The other one is, um, teaching myself to expect and allow the good to pour into my life rather than having a default nervous system response based on past experiences. So can I actually start to train myself to expect the best Right? As opposed to the worst. And it’s hard to do that because past experiences sometimes have, have taught me, and I’m sure for you as well, that, well, you know, I thought that this thing felt safe and until it wasn’t.

I thought that, that, um, that this relationship was the one until it wasn’t. I thought that this decision was the right one until it wasn’t. Right. Can we instead open to the idea of growth, which is the entire concept that this whole podcast is based around. It’s literally built upon this foundation of growth.

Can we trust that it’s all here for our greater good? Can we trust that it’s, it’s really this idea of, of self trust. Can I trust myself to move through? Whatever is coming my way. Can I trust myself to move through this uncertainty rather than self sabotaging, you know, rather than, um, just holding the beautiful things that want to come into my life at bay.

Can I actually open, even though it feels really fucking vulnerable and scary. You know, I actually wrote, um, this little blurb I’m about to read you in my journal the other day and, uh, actually a few weeks ago, I guess. And I wrote to myself, trust yourself, trust the work you’ve done, trust the journey, the divine unfolding, trust the universe and your guides to take care of you.

Trust you to take care of you. Trust in the choices you have made and are making right now. Trust that the net will be woven as you leap. Trust that you are steering your life in the direction you are meant to go. Trust that what is meant for you won’t miss you. Trust your relationship. Trust. I truly believe it is one of the continued keys to your happiness.

That’s what I wrote to myself, and I hope that you can take something from that as well. It’s a theme that I’m seeing coming up so much with all of my clients as well. Every single one of my clients, there’s, I really feel that as a collective right now, we are undergoing so much change and we always are, you know, but we’re, we’re undergoing quite a lot of shifts right now as a collective and I’m seeing it reflected in individuals as well within myself, within my clients, within friends, family members.

There’s so much shifting and what that’s going to do is inevitably reflect back within you. Do you trust yourself to move through this? Do you trust the growth that you have gone through to get here? Are you celebrating how far you have fucking come to get here, to be here in this moment right now? Are you celebrating you?

And if you can really look at those aspects of you and recognize. The, the parts of you that you sometimes perhaps want others so desperately to see in you. Can you recognize you for those beautiful qualities that have been honed? They did not come, you know, just naturally like flow into you. Some of them might’ve, but you have still done the work to hone those qualities to make them better, to make you better.

Start noticing where you react differently than you ever did before. Start noticing where you respond. in, in a much more regulated way than you ever did before. Start noticing where you put up boundaries where before you would have allowed yourself to be walked all over. Start noticing those things where you’re communicating more clearly with someone, where you are standing up for yourself, where you are asking for your needs to be met, where you are choosing yourself.

Notice. these aspects of you. This is really important because the more you can lean into your self trust, the more you can open to receive everything that you have been wanting to flow in, the more you can surrender into the beauty of life, into the beauty of the liminal space, even when it can seem super hard and uncomfortable and not a great time.

There is so much juiciness and goodness for you here and really leaning into what is meant for you. Won’t miss you. It’s all part of your journey. Everything you’re going through right now is part of your journey. It is part of what is going to get you to wherever your destination is. And there is no real destination, right?

We know this. That’s, that is the path of growth is that we get to continue learning and growing along the way. And there are new things coming in. I want you to really look at trusting yourself. Not only that, I have two questions that I want you to reflect on that I have been reflecting on as well. The first one is, will you stop resenting the work long enough to see what it reveals about you?

Will you stop resenting the work long enough to see what it reveals about you? If I have, I have had many moments over the last few years of feeling exhausted by growth. Because sometimes the pace at which I have grown and the pace at which my life has changed so rapidly still shocks me sometimes. And there have been times where I have perhaps resented the rate of growth.

Sure, I’ve been grateful for it too, but I have made it feel like such a slog. I’ve told myself so many stories about how hard this is. And yes, it is hard. I’m not denying that. Sometimes it really fucking is, but can, can I sometimes shift that story to see the really incredible things that is revealing to me and about me, I see, I’m asking myself this question about my business to where can I stop resenting the work long enough to see what it is revealing to me?

About me, about the directions I want to go, but the new ideas I want to bring in about the creativity I want to allow to flow through me, right? Will you stop resenting the work long enough to see what it reveals about you? Second question I’m going to ask you, what are you currently experiencing now?

That was once a wish. What are you currently experiencing right now? That was once a wish. This is another conversation that I have with clients a lot, especially when the topic of self trust comes up, right? Because it can be so easy to continue moving the goalposts. We like, we’ll get to one stage of life and then it’s like, okay, we, by the time we get there, which is perhaps somewhere we’ve always wanted to be, we’re already looking forward to the next thing going like, okay, but I want to be there.

And, and we forget that we’ve gotten to the place that we always wanted to be at. And. This is really important to take a moment to pause, to celebrate yourself, to really look around you and be like, Oh my fucking God, I did this. I did this. I did this. I, you right now are the highest self version of a past you who is looking to who you are right now in this very moment without changing a thing.

Who is looking to you going, Oh my God, they’re just in awe of you. That past version of you is in awe of current you. They are blown away at where you are, what you have done and how you have gotten to where you are today. Really think about that and celebrate yourself accordingly. Celebrate accordingly before you focus so hard on the next thing and, and you miss this moment.

Every moment is an opportunity to look at how far you’ve come and to celebrate yourself. That is also going to help you with self trust. That is going to help you with self acceptance, with genuinely really liking yourself. And there are so many beautiful things that come from a direct result of those qualities and all of them will also help you step into your own power, because we’re not fucking around anymore.

It’s time. It’s really time. This is a conversation I’m having with myself daily. You know, there are still so many ways where I have played small. I have shrunk myself down. I have, um, not wanted to rock the boat too much. And yes, I have grown massively. And there are so many ways where I don’t do that anymore.

And I am celebrating myself for all of those things very intentionally. I’m noticing those moments when they come up for me and celebrating accordingly. And. I’m acknowledging where I get to do so much more and, and what does that look like for you? What does that feel like for you? Where are the areas where you get to incorporate that?

And it can be small things too. It doesn’t have to be the big, huge, grand gesture. That big, huge, grand gesture is built through a thousand smaller things that lead up to the big thing. And this is why I’m encouraging you to celebrate yourself now, because you’ve already done a thousand small things to get here.

So what are you currently experiencing in your, in your current reality right now that was once a wish? So those are the questions I’m going to leave you with. I am incredibly excited to be back. Again, thank you for being here. Um, we are coming up on episode 400 in a few short weeks as well, and we’re going to be doing something special for that and moving forward.

Um, just really excited to dive deeper with you into the art of relationships, intimacy, love, just all of the, all of it, just like the intro says, uh, as well, all of the uncomfortable topics that many of us like to avoid. So I’m really looking forward to bringing you so many more episodes, incredible guests, just amazing things on this podcast.

And please share any of these episodes that resonate with you with someone who needs it. I am so excited to be back. Thank you for being here. Talk to you soon.


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