THE QUALITY OF our relationships level up when we do




Create the kind of relationships that make your entire nervous system breathe a sigh of relief as you think to yourself, “this is what it’s supposed to feel like.”



An expert in human connection, my work teaches you how to take ownership of your life, revolutionize your relationship to yourself, and create thriving connections with others.

I teach you how to communicate, how to trust, how to transition through major & disruptive life events, how to create a sense of peace and ease for yourself, and how to show yourself and those around you compassion as you undergo your own personal reinvention.

Healing starts from within. And you can become an emotional alchemist, learning to transform your circumstances into the gold that becomes the foundation of who you grow into.






Powerfully step into your most embodied and deeply connected self with an intimate community of like-minded women to experience more joy, aliveness & radiance from within.
Next round starts June 19th 2024 


We work with couples as a couple to drastically deepen your connection. If you're committed to creating MAGIC in your life and relationship with more love, joy and peace, start here.

When it comes to romance it is not love at first sight, it’s love at first story. And our love stories are all wrong. Get the book that will forever free you and open you to the love you want most.



High-level 1:1 support for those who are truly ready to show up. Guiding you towards your most extraordinary life and relationships while opening to deep trust, love and abundance.


This is where it all starts. Your FREE foundational guide to understanding yourself in whole new ways that will re-frame and completely shift how you approach relationships.


She doesn’t just coach you, she sees you in a way that perhaps no one else has ever been able to, and this explains the rarity & power of Emily. She sees who you were & what has happened. She then helps you realize your pain, frustration & struggles were the very things needed to wake you up and get you to where you are meant to be. She shows you how to use all that has happened to fuel all the best that’s to come. She’s done it for herself and countless others and she will do it for you. Hers is an exceedingly rare skill, one you can’t afford to miss.

Founder of Next Level Human®

- Dr. Jade Teta

"Emily’s power is somewhere between clairvoyance & coaching"

"Emily has an honest knack for connecting with people and making them feel seen and heard."

Her transparency is real, and she's been helping her community process all the ish around being a human in relationships for years now. I've seen such integrity in the way she supports her clients, and her sensitivity and honesty is legit. There are few people I would trust to do any kind of heart/relationship work like this, in the online space where there's already so much tension, disappointment and ethical issues...and Emily is definitely one of them.

Launch Copy Coach

-Chelsea Wallace

" Emily’s engaging, compassionate approach to tough subjects leaves you wanting more "

 and she balances vulnerability with grace and wit. Her message and ability to turn stories into impactful teaching moments creates an instant connection.

CEO of Headbands of Hope

- Jess Ekstrom

“Working with Emily initiated a desire to nourish myself"

Before working with her, I hadn't realized how much I looked to other people to do this FOR me. I was expecting other people to MAKE me feel loved, cared for, important and worthy of rest. Emily helped me to realize a) that I was doing this at all and b) how to actually love taking care of me, myself.


“My life has changed since meeting Emily."

I’ve never had 1:1 coaching before, and although I knew I would benefit from it, I was always skeptical. I feel so lucky that we connected at the exact time I needed her, and was instantly rid of the skepticism and wished I had met her sooner. My anxiety-ridden body has finally been able to take a deep breath, accept my quirks, and learn to love and appreciate myself. As a result of my personal growth, my relationships (professional, platonic & romantic) have all flourished in ways I never thought would be possible. I will sing her praises today and everyday!”

-Steph M.

Not only does Emily make you feel all the feels, she encourages it. Life is about accepting the changes, the good, the bad and the in between and Emily reminds me of this and has helped me examine my old patterns & weaknesses while reminding & revealing to me my strengths. Want to build a better life story and realize the beauty in your life story so far? Then you must connect with Emily. She has helped me trust the process, feel the pain, celebrate the joy and bounce a little higher after each fall. Don't miss out on improving your relationships with friends, lovers, coworkers, family and most importantly, yourself.”

- Donna M.

“It’s hard to put into words how Emily’s incredible presence has influenced my life so far."

and LONG after the workshop, group members would bring up in conversation how Emily opened their minds and hearts to the many ways they can deepen and improve the relationships in their lives. Members have told me about conversations they've had with their partners and family members as a result of the session they attended with Emily. Her valuable and generous presentation offered such a beautiful and playful perspective on what makes a relationship meaningful, authentic and, ultimately, deeply connected.”

-Jessica Bommarito

"Emily presented on personal and professional relationship building for a group I facilitate"

Owner of Groundswell Coworking

 It’s something I had really struggled with, especially as an overachiever and a male. From a male point of view we are taught to avoid talking about our emotions. I was going through a breakup and grieving the relationship, and there was something different about Emily’s energy as a coach, so authentic and genuine. Emily understood me as an individual and coached me to deal with my pain, made me sit in the discomfort and helped me figure out how to live with it in a healthy way rather than suppressing it. If you work with Emily, commit to the process and you won’t have any regrets.

-Mario M.

"What I learned most from Emily was self compassion and that’s how I like to live now."


Step into your strength. Reclaim your power. Allow yourself to be truly seen.

© 2023 emily gough | all rights reserved | Brand + website by madison kabrich

Create the kind of relationships that make your entire nervous system breathe a sigh of relief as you think to yourself, “this is what it’s supposed to feel like.”







WHERE do we begin?

This is where it all starts. Your FREE foundational guide to understanding yourself in whole new ways that will re-frame and completely shift how you approach relationships.