Your Food, Your Business: Redefining How You Eat

July 2, 2018

Recently I was interviewed for an article where the journalist asked me if I would help people eat according to their moral code, or if I would try to steer them in a different direction.   This got me thinking about how attached we get to food and how it can do more harm than good.

There are a lot of different food “labels” to fall under or identify with these days, from paleo and keto to vegan and pescatarian, and it can feel incredibly safe to identify with a certain way of eating, especially in an age when there are all kinds of communities out there that can offer you support along the way.

But what if you fall into the trap of being so attached to eating a particular way that you stick with it even when it’s not working for you anymore? 

The problem is when we can get stuck in these lifestyles without remembering to focus on how your body actually FEELS. Do you feel good?  Is your energy high? Poop well formed?  Or do you feel like taking a nap after every meal, with dull skin, little energy at the gym and bloating/discomfort after certain foods?

On top of that, many of us hold a great deal of shame around food.  You’ve tried to change how you eat, you’ve finally found a way to eat that works well for you even if those around you have some negative opinions, or maybe you’re just tired of people always commenting on your food and you’re just trying to figure out what works for your body.

This is all too common, because we’re basically nosey at heart and want to know how others are eating.  Unfortunately, we can end up in some uncomfortable situations or feeling put off by how others treat us according to the way we eat.  I give you some ways to handle these situations along with helping you figure out how to find a way to eat that doesn’t have to feel so restrictive. 

Listen on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher! 


Article interviewing Emily: Asked and Answered: What is Holistic Nutrition? 

Blog Post: Don’t Fall For Labels

Blog Post: Digestion Part 2, What Is Your Poop Trying to Tell You? 

Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

Join the party!  Did you know about the Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group?  It’s the community I’ve created for like-minded women who want to grow and learn from each other, and we even have a bi-monthly book club.  I pop in daily with strategies, tips, trainings and sometimes even bring guests live into the group.  See you in there! 


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