Key Things to Pay Attention To When Dating or Getting Into a Relationship

May 10, 2022

Pull up a seat, because there are some things we need to discuss. And this could completely alter your entire dating experience for the better.

We’re talking about the key things to observe when you’re getting to know someone.

These aren’t tests we’re running people through, that’s not at all the vibe we’re going for. It’s simply picking up on and noticing certain details that may have escaped you before, details that can be incredibly telling about how the other person operates, the way they show up in the world and treat others, and how they take responsibility for their role in a relationship.

AND, it will also challenge you to pay close attention to the way you’re showing up with others, especially early on when you may feel like you’re trying to keep your “messy” side behind closed doors – and why that can be problematic.

Here’s a sample of a few of the things we dive into:

  • Pay very close attention to how someone talks about their ex. There’s a LOT to cover about this point alone, and we’re getting into the nuance related to this.
  • How to pick up on someone else’s relationship to honesty & trust.
  • Why having them approve of literally everything you do *might* not be ideal.
  • Openness vs being closed, rigid and inflexible and some of the more subtle ways those qualities can show up.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, this episode is jam packed! Take a listen and let me know what you think 😉


I have a few spaces available right now for 1:1 coaching, check here for more details and apply!


Episode 145 | The Need for Closure is an Inside Job

Episode 264 | The 4 Key Components for Connection that will Change Your Relationships

Episode 269 | The Right People Will Feel Different to Your Nervous System

Episode 289 | Consistency is Sexy as F*ck in Relationships

Episode 291 | Confident Detachment & Radical Honesty in Relationships with Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 293 | The Betrayed & Betrayer: Growing From Infidelity with Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 296 | Age Gap Relationships & Compatibility with Dr. Jade Teta


Book a private coaching call with Emily to work together.

Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

Questions?  Comments? Want to connect and chat about this episode? You can email me at, or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach or Facebook at Emily Gough Coaching.  I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life and here any takeaways you had from this or other episodes!.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!


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Create the kind of relationships that make your entire nervous system breathe a sigh of relief as you think to yourself, “this is what it’s supposed to feel like.”





